Many people are intimidated by acupuncture because it seems ancient and they have a fear that the needles will be painful. However, if you suffer from pain that is debilitating to your life, it is high time that you face your fears of acupuncture. It has been shown to relieve pain and it is not as scary or painful as most people think. Keep reading to find out the truth about acupuncture therapy.
Needles are integral to the practice of acupuncture. Acupuncture involves needles and there isn’t a way around it. Needles have to be used for this type of treatment to be effective. Understand this before you sign up for anything.
To make your acupuncture benefits last longer, remember to eat before a treatment. Eating puts energy into your body, and your body will need that energy to reap all the benefits of your treatment. If you go to a session hungry, your body will utilize the stored energy it has, rather than saving that to facilitate your healing process.
Give yourself time to relax before and after you see your acupuncturist. Your body is going to better respond when your body is relaxed, and the practitioner can more easily attend to his craft. You need relax if you want to really enjoy the treatment.
Don’t go near alcoholic beverages before going to a session. Acupuncture is about clearing the mind and body. Alcohol is something that impedes your ability to think clearly. If you over imbibed the night before and are still feeling the effects, it may be best to reschedule your appointment to a time where you can receive the full effects.
Acupuncture provides is said to provide lot of healing benefits. It is touted that it positively affects the nervous system, however connective tissue networks are generally pinpointed a lot in the practice. It is not completely understood why it works for many people, but it does, and it is considered a great alternative treatments that many people look forward to.
During your first treatment, breathe and relax. This obviously is a treatment that involves needles. Your body may be tensing up in unexpected ways. Just do yourself a favor and breathe deep. Let go of your tensions, and trust in your acupuncturist to do the right things for you.
If you’re feeling a little sore after an acupuncture session, the best way to treat that soreness is with heat. Post-session pain is usually caused by blockages, and ice may only exacerbate the problem. Most soreness is gone within 24 hours, so a hot bath and a good night’s sleep should do the trick.
It’s hard to skip a fitness routine on the same day that you have an acupuncture session. You can exercise, but don’t overdo it. A walk is more acceptable than a rigorous run, in this case. Don’t try new exercise routines on your acupuncture day.
Some people report feeling worse after treatment. This is a common sign of a crisis in healing. Make sure to stop your treatments as the pain will only get worse. Talk to the acupuncturist about it if you feel you’re not getting any better.
Consider looking at specialized acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture, like traditional medicine, is a vast field, so you are bound to find treatments and acupuncturists that specialize in specific areas. For instance, there is acupuncture that specializes in just migraines and headaches or just chronic pain and stress.You might want to find someone that knows specialized treatments for your particulate ailments.
When you schedule your session, mention any vitamins or supplements you’ve been taking. Your acupuncturist may want you to temporarily cease taking some of them. While providing your body with extra nutrients is always a good thing, some of the supplements may cause mild side effects when taken on the day of an acupuncture session.
When you’re looking for an acupuncturist, make sure they’re NCCAOM certified. To get NCCAOM certification, a practitioner must receive a significant amount of training and pass a national exam. When you’re letting someone stick needles into your body, you want to be sure that they’re an expert on what they’re doing.
You should never go to an acupuncture appointment on an empty stomach. Have a small meal or a healthy snack two hours before your appointment. If you often feel lightheaded during or after your treatment, eat more before your appointment and bring some snacks with you so you can eat as soon as the treatment is over.
Do not be surprised if you find quick relief from pain. It is not uncommon for acupuncture to begin eliminating certain pains immediately. Though your pain may not drop this soon, you can expect relief in most cases within a couple of days. Just enjoy the procedure and expect good results.
If you do not get good results with your first acupuncture treatments, you should consider going to see a different acupuncturist. An acupuncturist with more experience should be a better option if you felt pain during your first appointments. If you have a hard time relaxing during your treatment, find an acupuncturist who can make you comfortable.
Never choose the cheapest acupuncturist! You never know what corners they cut to be able to lower their prices. Interview multiple practitioners and compare them on office cleanliness, practices of sterilizing equipment and how much you like them as a person. If you feel comfortable with them, they’re a good choice.
When you have a chronic condition, an acupuncturist will recommend daily treatments for a month to see good results. Sadly, most of us can’t afford to see them that frequently, so two or three sessions a week will be the maximum. In that case, results will still appear, but it will take longer.
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