Dental, menstrual, migraine, labor, back, arthritis–acupuncture is a technique that has been shown to relieve the pain regardless of its source. However, there are also risks and considerations associated with acupuncture therapy. Check out this article to learn how to relieve your pain with acupuncture in a safe and effective manner.
Since acupuncture is a form of alternative treatment, the cost is not likely to be covered by traditional insurance. Sometimes it only takes one treatment to get symptomatic relief, so the cost is not prohibitive. If several treatments are needed the cost of treatment may become too expensive to continue.
Remember that acupuncture does not use needles. Many people think that they are being stuck with small needles that hurt, but this isn’t the case. Tiny, solid and sterile little pins that are about the thickness of a strand of hair are what are used for acupuncture. Many of them are flexible, and since they aren’t hollow, they rarely cause pain.
Although needles are involved, acupuncture should not be too painful. Keep in mind that the needles are generally a lot thinner than those you encounter in your doctor’s office. Therefore, if you are nervous about getting “stuck,” you really should not be. You will feel them, but you should not experience extreme pain.
When trying to find a good acupuncturist, it is always a good idea to ask around. Acupuncture uses small needles that go painlessly into your skin. For this reason, it is important that you visit a place that is clean. Visiting a dirty acupuncture office could result in you contracting an infection or disease.
If you frequently suffer from coughs or colds, ask your acupuncturist to work on Lung 7. This will help you get rid of neck pain, but it will also help strengthen your lungs. When your lungs are in good shape, little bugs won’t hit you as hard. This is especially useful during wintertime.
Don’t eat too much before you go to your acupuncture session. It is important that you eat before your session to avoid dizziness and nausea, but don’t overdo it. Eating too much beforehand can cause those symptoms or worse during or after your session. Try eating a very light meal, or preferably a snack, about three hours before you get acupuncture.
For the best experience at your acupuncture treatment, wear comfortable clothing. This will allow the acupuncturist to access any pressure points that are important for your treatment. Also, it is a good idea to write down your symptoms and bring a list of problem areas so that you can give specific details for him to target.
If you are pregnant, past your due date and wanting to get labor started, consider using acupuncture. This pain-free, natural practice can pinpoint specific parts of the body which can bring on contractions and help labor to progress. It is important to only use this past your due date however, so as to avoid pre-term labor which might be dangerous to the baby’s health.
It is always best to ask a few questions to the acupuncturists you are interested in before scheduling an appointment. You need to ask if the acupuncturist is certified by the NCCAOM. The only way to get this certification is to earn a medical degree and do an acupuncture internship.
Contact your insurance provider before seeking acupuncture treatments. Some plans will cover most or all of the cost of this treatment, but you might need a referral from your general practitioner first. Take the time to make a call to your insurance company first so you are not left with surprise bills after treatment is received.
Some people should not have acupuncture done. For example, pregnant women should avoid it because it can cause premature labor. Those with pacemakers should not have it done because electrical pulses may be applied to the needles, which may stop a pacemaker from functioning properly. Speak with your doctor before having acupuncture done to be sure it is safe for you.
Do not go to your acupuncture appointment hungry or full. Make sure to have a healthy snack about an hour before your appointment. Do not go with an empty stomach or after a large meal. Being to full or hungry way makes it much more difficult to relax during your acupuncture appointment.
Lock your electronics in the car before you enter for your appointment. It is just too tempting to have them near while you are undergoing your treatment. Even if you don’t respond to it, hearing your phone ring or alert you to a text message can make you tense up, reducing the effectiveness of the therapy. Keep the electronics out of sight to keep them out of mind.
Keep in mind that your practitioner may place needles in places you find unusual. A needle on your scalp or between their eyes may be the best way for them to treat your problems. You should emotionally prepare yourself for this and remember that it won’t be painful. That way, you won’t panic when the time comes.
Feeling a need to urinate frequently after an acupuncture session is normal. This is one of the many ways that the body releases toxins, and it can also help with bloating and water retention within the body. Acupuncture helps with all of these things, thus the need for frequent urination. Continue to drink water as normal until the symptoms subside.
Your acupuncturist should help you relax, but you can do a lot on your own to relax. You should bring along a soft pillow or blanket and some of your favorite relaxing music. You need to get the most from your sessions. Bring along any items that will assist you in reaching your relaxation point.
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