How do you feel about going in for an acupuncture appointment? Surely you’ve heard about acupuncture, but maybe you don’t know much about it. If you are looking for more information, keep reading to find out what you need to know. You will be surprised at the many benefits of this wonderful treatment.
Since acupuncture is a form of alternative treatment, the cost is not likely to be covered by traditional insurance. Sometimes it only takes one treatment to get symptomatic relief, so the cost is not prohibitive. If several treatments are needed the cost of treatment may become too expensive to continue.
When you have an acupuncture appointment, eat only a light meal beforehand. Eat something small if you want to avoid becoming dizzy or nauseous, but don’t consume a full meal. The reason is that it can be tough to lie in a prone position when the stomach is full.
Do not be intimidated by needles! That being said, many will be intimidated. It is common to feel this way; however, acupuncture has been around for centuries. Millions have had this procedure done and are better off for it. Grab your fear, toss it aside and make the appointment. You will be happy that you did.
The treatment should always be scheduled at a time of relaxation. Trying to undergo acupuncture directly after a stressful or taxing event will cause your treatment to be less successful than normal. The best choice is to make your appointment at a time of day where the windows before and after treatment are relatively calm. This will allow you to reap the full benefits of treatment.
Talk to a doctor about anything you are taking if you plan on having acupuncture treatments. If you are currently taking medication, herbs, or supplements, you need to speak to your doctor about what you can continue to take. They may have to make changes to what you’re taking before or in between your acupuncture treatments.
Do not let an acupuncturist convince you they are experienced because they practiced in another country. Keep in mind that practicing acupuncture in China or in another country is very different from what doctors are allowed to do in the U.S. Ask your acupuncturist about their education and experience in the U.S.
Never give up on your acupuncture treatment plan till it has been completed. Just like taking medications, you need to keep going to them so they’re effective. Even if you believe that you do not need anymore treatments because you feel so good right now, you likely won’t achieve the best possible results by quitting halfway. Give your body the chance to reap the full benefits of the treatment by finishing the complete course of work.
The first time you have an acupuncture session, you should watch out for fatigue. Some people get a burst of energy after an appointment, but others feel physically drained. Make sure you don’t have anything important scheduled after your appointment so that you can get rest if you need it.
Did you know that acupuncture can be of assistance to those looking to quit smoking? The actual acupuncture procedure helps people deal with the side effects of nicotine addiction, like irritability, cravings and jitters. It calms the patient down so they are better able to deal with these side effects.
Consider bringing your own pillow to an acupuncture session. You want to make yourself as comfortable as possible during the hour or so that it takes to place the needles, and sometimes having a little comfort at home can help. Alternately, a comfortable throw or a favorite pair of slippers might offer you just the comfort you are looking for.
If you’re intimidated by acupuncture, relax! Yes, big, scary needles are a part of it, but they aren’t as bad as they seem. The needles are completely sterile and disposed after each use. They’re also very thin, which means they won’t be painful like a shot or an IV might be.
A lot of people have a release emotionally when they get acupuncture treatment. You should not be alarmed if your session causes you to feel lots of emotions. Know that the acupuncturist has had to deal with emotional patients that cry or emit other emotions out of nowhere. This release of emotions means that the treatment is taking effect.
Give seasonal treatments of acupuncture a try. With each changing of the season, the body’s needs change too, and you must keep it balanced. For example, it is chilly during the fall which causes respiratory and congestion issues. An autumnal session could benefit your lungs and respiratory system. Ask your acupuncturist for a list of seasonal activities and exercises that will support your treatments.
When choosing an acupuncturist, ask your friends and relatives for a recommendation. Acupuncture has become so popular that it will not be hard for you to find someone who has tried it. Getting a recommendation from someone you know is the best way to find an acupuncturist who is experienced and reliable.
Let your acupuncturist know about your medical history. He or she will be able to customize your treatment in function of your history and needs. You should also give your acupuncturist more details about the medication you are currently taking or used to take. Take the time to put together a list of the medical events your acupuncturist needs to know about before going to your first appointment.
You will get the most from your sessions when you focus on your treatment. Share your acupuncturist’s phone number with one person for emergency purposes, but then turn off your phone. Relax before and after each acupuncture session.
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