Those with chronic pain do all they can to take care of their pain, from seeing doctors to trying different medications. However, complementary medicine is also considered. Acupuncture is the ancient practice that has been easing pain for many over the years. Here are some tips to help you learn more about acupuncture.
Do not be surprised if you feel a tingling sensation during your acupuncture treatment. Introducing pins in your skin should cause you to experience a sensation known as Qi. A lot of beginners associate this sensation with pain at first but you will soon realize that you are not actually hurting.
Do not just go to one appointment and then stop. Generally, you will experience the best results if you go to several treatments. If you are not dedicated to the process, you are not going to benefit as much from it. Talk to your doctor about what you can realistically expect after the first appointment and then going forward.
After an acupuncture session, remember to hydrate yourself properly. A good rule of thumb is to consume at least six glasses of water following a session. Acupuncture can cause you to release toxins from the body, and you need to drink water to flush those toxins from your system.
If you need to change position while you are undergoing acupuncture treatments, make sure you let the acupuncturist know. Never try to move around without giving him or her the heads up. If you do this, it may increase the chances of them making a mistake and causing you some injury.
Some people should not have acupuncture done. For example, pregnant women should avoid it because it can cause premature labor. Those with pacemakers should not have it done because electrical pulses may be applied to the needles, which may stop a pacemaker from functioning properly. Speak with your doctor before having acupuncture done to be sure it is safe for you.
Acupuncture pins are meant to target the chi in the body. Chi refers to your life force energy. There is an energy channel in the body and anytime there is an obstruction or anything that interferes with it, it takes the form of a physical issue in the body like pain. The pins in acupuncture can help redirect or balance the chi in your body.
Ask your acupuncture therapist about their sterilization process if you have concerns. Reputable, professional acupuncture therapists will always use needles that have been sterilized completely before use and discarded when finished. If you are told that needles are being used on multiple clients, find a different provider who is more professional.
Don’t rule acupunture out if you don’t feel a big difference after your first session. It can take time to really see the results of acupuncture, especially if your body is full of toxins. Commit to at least three sessions, and decide after that whether or not your treatments are working for you.
When you undergo acupuncture treatments, try to make other healthy changes in your life too. While acupuncture can help with many things, it is not a magic bullet that provides instant relief and a life free from pain. To achieve that, you have to work with your body to make it healthier. Diet, exercise and supplements all come into play if you are hoping for optimum results.
When choosing an acupuncturist, ask your friends and relatives for a recommendation. Acupuncture has become so popular that it will not be hard for you to find someone who has tried it. Getting a recommendation from someone you know is the best way to find an acupuncturist who is experienced and reliable.
No practitioner can solve all your medical problems with just a few visits, so be cautious of anyone who promises to do so. There is no way of knowing how you will respond to acupuncture. Any acupuncturist worth his salt will not make such ludicrous promises.
Share information about your health and lifestyle with your acupuncturist freely. Acupuncture is not just about treating one condition, it is about restoring balance to the body. If your practitioner has a complete history of what your health and lifestyle look like, he can cater your sessions to meet your true needs for balance and optimized health.
Speak with your acupuncturist to see how long they studied acupuncture. For the most part, acupuncturist courses require three years before they are completed. This allows the practitioner enough time to practice adequately to become competent. Proceed with caution if your practitioner got a degree from a short course.
Never choose the cheapest acupuncturist! You never know what corners they cut to be able to lower their prices. Interview multiple practitioners and compare them on office cleanliness, practices of sterilizing equipment and how much you like them as a person. If you feel comfortable with them, they’re a good choice.
Check up on the professionalism of your acupuncturist prior to selecting the practitioner. This means doing a little research. Talk to your friends and peers, and do some online research. Make sure there are no obvious red flags that should hold you back from getting involved with their establishment.
It is best to receive your acupuncture treatments on a regular basis. Schedule two weekly appointments for your first month and change the frequency of your appointments in function of how efficient they are. If your chronic pain or your stress is mostly gone, a monthly appointment might be enough.
When you have a chronic condition, an acupuncturist will recommend daily treatments for a month to see good results. Sadly, most of us can’t afford to see them that frequently, so two or three sessions a week will be the maximum. In that case, results will still appear, but it will take longer.
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